
You have your own rules, and you always see by those rules. An enlightened person is totally on a different plane. In that plane, he lives without principles, lives without yardsticks, lives without any morality, and lives without ego, because all principles belong to ego. An enlightened person just lives. He does not manipulate his life. He is a floating white cloud. He has no place to go. There is nothing to achieve, nothing is good for him, nothing is bad for him, he does not know any God, he does not know any devil, he only knows life, the whole life itself is beautiful. God is also ugly because he is a part and not a whole, and the devil is ugly because he is a part and not a whole. God is not alive, and the devil is dead, because life exists in the rhythm of the two poles of good and bad, God and devil, and in such two poles. Life can not be only in one pole, the river of life between the two sides is flowing. An enlightened person has realized this. He does not oppose anything, nor does he approve of anything. He does not make any comments,cosmetic packaging wholesale, but reacts from one moment to the next. That's why it's very difficult. The enlightened person is always more or less like a madman. So the first thing to understand is: don't judge an enlightened person by your criteria-it's very difficult, because you can only do that. I once heard that a very great painter once invited a doctor friend to look at a painting he had just finished. The painter was thinking that the painting was the greatest work he had ever desired. It was the peak of his whole artistic creation. So naturally, he wanted his doctor friend to look at the painting. The doctor looked for several minutes, from here to there. Ten minutes passed. The artist was a little worried, so he asked the doctor, "What's wrong?"? What do you think of the picture? The doctor said, "It looks like bilateral pneumonia!" " Everyone is like this, because the doctor has his own way of looking at things,Uv Gel Nail Polish Bottle, he looks at the picture -- he can only look at things in his fixed way, otherwise, he can't look -- he makes a diagnosis. That painting doesn't need any diagnosis. He missed it. The beautiful thing turned into pneumonia. This is the function of the mind. When you look at something, you color it with your mind. Don't treat an enlightened person that way, because it doesn't matter to an enlightened person, but you will miss the opportunity to see the beauty in it. Second: The actions of an enlightened person come from the center, never from the periphery. You always act on the periphery. You live on the periphery, on the circle. For you, the circle is the most important. You have killed your soul and saved your body. The enlightened man can sacrifice his body, but he cannot lose his soul. He is ready to die-he is ready to die at any time-that is not a problem, but he is not ready to lose his center, the core of his being. For an enlightened person, the body is just a way, so if necessary, Plastic Spray Bottles Wholesale ,Oil Dropper Bottle, an enlightened person will even tell you, "Leave the body, but don't leave your inner being." That's all tapaskaya is. (Tapascharya), how did all the penance come about? The circle is to be sacrificed for the center, and even if it is necessary to cut off the head -- if that will help you, if at the same time your head, your ego can disappear -- an enlightened person will tell you to give up the head and cut it off: "If the head helps the ego, don't take it with you." Because you are losing everything for nothing! It's important to remember that when you live in the center, you see things completely differently, and then no one dies, no one dies-death is impossible. If you live in the periphery, then everyone will die, death is the end of everyone, and eternal life is nowhere. Krishna's conversation with Arjuna in the sutra of the guitar is really a conversation between the center and the periphery. Arjuna lives on the periphery: he thinks about the body. He doesn't know anything about the soul.
Krishna spoke from the center. He said, "Don't bother about these bodies. They have died many times. They will die many more times. Death is just a change. It's like someone taking off his clothes, leaving his old house and entering a new house. This body is nothing.". Juna, don't worry about it, look inside! But if Arjuna never looked within himself, how could he look within others? Remember this: this Zen master is all right, he is Krishna, he lives in the center, so his actions are also central, and this happens to a disciple who lives in the periphery. But remember, it doesn't cut off your fingers. What the disciple deserves, he has earned-only then will the master do to such an extent, to such an extent that the disciple must have understood, must have earned, otherwise he will not do to that extent. Even Arjuna was not as valuable as the disciple of Juche, because Krishna had spoken to him — and Juche had done it. Remember the difference, Shifu will only do it to you when you deserve it, otherwise he will just say it to you. It can only be done when you are ready, when the moment is too close to miss, when there is nothing to say but do. Because if you say it, it takes time; if you say it, then people have to understand that something has to be done right away, right away. It is only when the master sees that you are on the edge that he will do: it is useless to speak now, now he must push you, now you are at the door, and in an instant, you may miss the door, and you may not be able to come to the door again for several lifetimes. Life is very complicated. You seldom go near the door. If the master says, "Look, the door is here!" " And began to explain to you, to your understanding, the door is no longer, life is constantly moving,Glass Cosmestic Containers, the master must do, even if he thinks that killing you will help, he will kill you. That's why surrender is needed. penghuangbottle.com

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